Top 10 Best Vegetarian Protein Source for Vegetarian People

The world where all people completing their protein intake from meat products of different types of animals, on other hand vegetarians they could not found their require food. Big challenging thing for vegetarians is to complete their protein requirements but how they can? With worry you only damage your health. First calm down and don’t worry. Because with high research we are showcasing you Top 10 best vegetarian protein source food for you. Now you don’t have to scare about how can you complete your intake of good protein? We have listed down high vegetarian protein source food from which you can easily get daily high amount of protein without problem.  


These top 10 best vegetarian protein source food are very high in protein with different types of more minerals which are also beneficial for your health. If you are a body builder who always, in any cost want to consume high protein as vegetarian is difficult to get protein. Any other person who cares their body protein then this is for you. Here you get informed of high vegetarian protein source which you consume to fulfill your body’s protein level without any artificial chemical protein. This low-cost & natural food is good to consume better protein. Let’s start new journey to get high protein in low cost with healthy and natural ingredients.


lentils are top rated and best protein source which is consumed by a huge number of people. This high vegetarian protein source which is rich in protein. Almost, 1 cup of pulses contains 18-20 g of protein which is quite good. These are in different types like black, green, brown, red and yellow in color with unique texture and taste. These protein-rich pulses are high in nutrients like fiber, iron and folate. You can intake this protein in food like soups, stews, salads and burgers. The people of countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh use to eat lentils with rice called “Dal Chawal” which is very common dish. Its affordability makes everyone compelled to take it by its less cost to complete their protein intake.

Vegetarian Protein Source


Beans are like PowerSource of protein which also contain minerals like fiber, iron, carbohydrates, magnesium and potassium in abundance. These beans are of different types like kidney beans, red beans, chickpeas which are another best vegetarian protein source. One cup of boiled and backed beans contain about 15-2 0 grams of protein and some amount of fiber minerals. Beans are highly beneficial for health if included in daily diet. Whether you are vegetarian or just want to eat healthy if your choice is to go with beans you can’t be wrong.  


Quinoa instead of all grains is a superfood in all vegetarian protein source food. About 100g of quinoa contain 10g of protein per cup. The special thing of it is It contains about nine amino acids which is essential for human body that’s why it is very special and preference to its flavor and modern texture. Most busy life people give their first priority to quinoa because it is very fast cooking food in just 15-20 minutes it ready for delicious taste. It can easily use in several mix food and snacks with free of cholesterol, gluten, and dairy which makes it incredible choice for anyone.  

Tofu & Tempeh 

Tofu and tempeh soy-based products which are very popular protein sources among in vegetarian protein source foods. Tofu, also known as bean curd, has a soft texture and used in a variety of dishes. Tofu is best to add in soups, sandwiches, salads and even stir-fries, which makes it light and easy make. About 100g of tofu contain 8g of protein which is enough. Tempeh, on the other hand, is made from fermented soybeans and has excellent texture and salty flavor. It’s slightly higher in protein contain about 19 grams per 100 grams. Both are excellent sources of calcium and iron.



Edamame, or young soybeans brilliant vegetarian protein source which not only delicious but also packed with rich amount of protein. A cup of cooked edamame contains about 17 grams of protein which is best for a vegetarian diet. These green beans also contain high fiber, folate, and vitamin K which improve RBCs in blood & help to save from dangerous cancer bacteria to keep healthy body. Edamame can be enjoyed as a snack, added to salads, or included in stir-fries makes water in mouth. If you want tasty and convenient way to consume protein, edamame helps you most. 

Greek Yogurt 

Greek yogurt is a dairy product which is thicker texture and higher vegetarian protein source. It provides around 10 grams of protein per 100 grams. Greek yogurt is also rich in probiotics, calcium, and vitamin B12. It can be eaten with daily meals and also used as a base for smoothies, or as a creamy addition to sauces and dips. In South Asian countries where Meethi lassi, Masala Rayetta, and Dahi Bahle which are created from Greek yogurt are very common make water in mouth.  

Cottage Cheese (Paneer) 

Cottage cheese, known as paneer, is another brilliant vegetarian protein source which is most common in South Asian cuisine. It contains almost 11 grams of protein per 100 grams. If you want to keep yourself active and energetic then cottage cheese is best because it is high in calcium and B vitamins. It’s a versatile ingredient that used in sweet as well as in savory dishes, from pancakes to curries. Paneer is special protein source in Indian, Pakistani, and some south Asian countries cuisine and is enjoyed in various dishes like palak paneer, paneer tikka, butter paneer, paneer Bhurji, Karahi paneer, Chili Paneer and many more. You will not be able to control yourself and will be forced to eat them.


Nuts and Seeds 

Nuts and seeds are not only packed with healthy fats, fiber, and essential minerals but also protein-rich product. These vegetarian protein source food like almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are some of the best options to add in daily meal. Daily a handful of almonds can give you about 6 grams of protein, meanwhile chia seeds contain about 5 grams. We can eat them as single or added to smoothies, or sprinkled over salads and yogurt. Without their skin is best use to eat them. For activating and improving your brain as well as body health this is a convenient and tasty way to add extra protein to your diet. 


Seitan which is also known as wheat meat or wheat gluten in various vegetarian protein source among vegetarians and vegans. It has a chewy texture and provides about 25 grams of protein per 100 grams which makes it one of the highest vegetarian protein sources as well as plant-based food. It’s also low in fat which keeps control your body cholesterol level and can be used in a various dishes like stir-fries to sandwiches. 

Nutritional Yeast

A deactivated yeast which is rich vegetarian protein source with B vitamins is called nutritional yeast. About two tablespoons provides 8 grams of protein and it has a cheesy, nutty flavor, making it a popular addition to vegetarian food dishes. It can be sprinkled over popcorn and used to add into sauces, soups for a nutritional boost. A bacteria name Saccharomyces cerevisiae, when inactive become vegetarian protein source with having huge number of benefits. 



Why try them in you daily life meals and diet? These vegetarian protein source food with having sufficient amount of protein can benefit you from all sides. Physically natural protein improves your overall health, strong muscles and can keep safe you from dangerous diseases. Mentally it improves your brain power makes you intelligent. There are much more benefits of these vegetarian protein source food. All you to experience them by applying them in you daily diet food. Let’s start a journey with making you fresh and attractive to all by healthy eating. Live life long and keeping you anti-aging healthy person. 

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